Investors Private Credit Investment Solutions

Our Investment Thesis

Ongoing increases in bank regulation, improvements in technology and availability of credit data, as well as a range of market forces have changed the lending landscape and opened new markets for underserved businesses and investors who can fund them.
We provide our investors with access to niche private credit markets that are often overlooked by traditional banks, giving them the opportunity to diversify their investment portfolio and counterbalance conventional allocations in equities and real estate.
Private credit can produce strong risk-adjusted returns with low volatility and is uncorrelated to many other asset classes. It has the power to unlock transformational benefits for a business and this value can be shared between borrowers and investors.
We have a strong focus on the preservation of investor capital with a particular focus on managing downside risk. Our team have substantial personal capital invested in our funds.

Our Investor Solutions

The Asset Backed Finance Fund provides secured debt facilities to non-bank lenders and corporates with physical and/or financial assests that can provide asset backing.
The Fund has been designed to offer investors stable income due to the reliable cashflows of the underlying assets.
The Real Estate Credit Fund provides secured debt facilities to non-bank lenders that offer short-term bridge loans backed by residential and commercial property. It also provides secured debt facilities directly to borrowers backed by real estate in order to generate regular income returns for investors.
The GCI Strategic Capital strategy aims to generate asymmetric returns from bespoke situations where downside risk can be managed, and upside potential is material.
Investors are able to access high yield debt opportunities across a range of industries with mitigated downside, through asset backing, and strong upside, through equity or some other form of gain sharing participation.

How To Invest

Our Funds are available exclusively to wholesale investors seeking portfolio diversification and strong risk adjusted returns that are uncorrelated to traditional asset classes.
If you would like to know more, we welcome your call. Alternatively, if you would like to email us your details, we would be happy to contact you.
Ph: +61 (2) 9230 0850

GCI Investor Relations Team

Adam Schwartz

Head of Investor Relations

Adam joined GCI in May 2015. As Head of Investor Relations, he plays a key role in managing all relationships across the GCI investor community.

He started his career working as an Equity Sales trader with Investec UK covering South African and UK Equities. After eight years he moved to Renaissance Capital to undertake a similar role but with a Russian focus.

In 2012, he moved to Bank of America Merrill Lynch where he was entrusted with servicing and advising some of the largest long only institutions and hedge funds in Europe.

Adam holds a Commerce degree from the University of NSW.