Client Overview
- The client is a high net worth individual with whom GCI had an existing relationship
- The client required a tailored funding solution to pay a near term obligation
- The Client held two high-value assets which were separately financed but had equity
Facility Overview
- GCI structured a loan facility to refinance both assets and release the equity and fund the Client’s near-term obligation
- GCI took first ranking security over both high-value assets, providing greater flexibility and a longer-term facility (than typically offered in bridging finance)
- The Client’s existing financiers were unable to structure a facility that met the Client’s requirements
- GCI was able to “unlock value” to provide additional funding by becoming the sole financier across both assets
- GCI was able to move quickly to package this tailored loan facility against the combined value of the two assets. Funding was provided within 8 business days from initial engagement
Providing Value Added Credit
Insights and Network
GCI’s insights and expertise meant our team could work within our network to quickly confirm the values of the two assets.
GCI’s nimble team and efficient processes meant we could structure a tailored facility that met the Client’s requirements and execute in 8 business days from initial engagement.
GCI designed a facility that was flexible with term and considered the Client’s near term cashflow constraints enabling the Client to meet their near-term obligations.
We provide more than just funding, we provide
Value Added Credit
The case studies below outline how we work with our borrower clients to understand their specific requirements and provide flexible funding structures that enable them to continue to grow.
Property Credit – financing solutions
Property Credit provides financing solutions to the real estate market.
Nectar – Emerging New Zealand fintech
Founded in 2016 by Symon Nausbaum, Nectar is a digital lending company...
Nomad Breads – Wholesale bakery
The Client is a mid-sized FMCG business that supplies all major supermarkets in...
Good Pair Days – Online Wine Retailer
This personalised service uses AI-driven recommendations captured through surveys...
Unyoked – Remote cabins
Unyoked is an owner/operator of a network of holiday rental cabins located in...
Opmantek – IT audit software
Opmantek is an intelligent enterprise management and IT audit software company...
Healthcare Franchisor
The Client owns a growing healthcare franchisor business with ~90 franchisees...
An emerging fintech BNPL
The Client was an emerging Fintech lender, who had been engaged in discussions...